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Number Navigators: Place Value Expedition up to 10,000




Tues - Wed - Thurs

About the Course

This course aims to enhance learners' comprehension of place value, extending their knowledge up to 10,000. Through various activities and exercises, students will delve into the process of composing and decomposing numbers, focusing on ones, tens, hundreds, and thousands. By engaging in these activities, learners will not only solidify their number sense but also improve their fluency in working with numbers.

Throughout this course, learners will have the opportunity to explore and develop their understanding of numbers through hands-on tasks and interactive exercises. They will be encouraged to compare numbers and gain proficiency in rounding them. These activities aim to reinforce their grasp of number concepts and strengthen their overall mathematical skills.

Over the span of three weeks, learners will progressively advance their knowledge and abilities in place value. The course provides a structured and systematic approach to ensure learners can confidently navigate and manipulate numbers up to 10,000. By extending their number sense and honing their skills through various activities, students will be equipped with the necessary foundation to tackle more complex mathematical concepts in the future.

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